蒋炯文 Chiang, Jeongwen
"Product Innovation Strategies for Established Market Pioneers and Later Entrants," with W. T.
Robinson, Strategy Management Journal, 2002, Vol 23(9), pp 855-866.
"Promotions and Pattern of Grocery Shopping Time," with C. F. Chung and E. T. Cremers, 2001,
Journal of Applied Statistics, 28, 801-819.
"The Decomposition of Promotional Response: An Empirical Generalization," with D. Bell and V.
Padmanabhan, 1999, Marketing Science, 18:4, 504-526.
“Heterogeneity and Bayesian Methods in Choice Modeling” with M. Wedel, W. Kamakura, N. Arora,
A. Bemmaor, T. Elrod, R. Johnson, P. Lenk, S. Neslin, C. Poulsen, 1999, Marketing Letters, 10:3,
"Markov Chain Monte Carlo and Models of Consideration Set and Parameter Heterogeneity," with S.
Chib and C. Narasimhan, 1999, Journal of Econometrics, 89:223-248.
“Perspective on Multiple-Category Choice,” with G. Russell, D. Bell, A. Bodapati, C. Brown, G.
Gaeth, P. Manchanda and S. Gupta, 1997, Marketing Letters, 8:3, 297-306.
"A Cross-Category Analysis of Space Allocation, Product Variety and Retail Margins," with R.
Wilcox, 1997, Marketing Letters, 8:2, 183-192.
"Are Sutton's Predictions Robust?: Empirical Insights Into Advertising, R&D, and Concentration,"
with W. Robinson,1996, Journal of Industrial Economics, 44 (December), 389-408.
"Competing Coupon Promotions and Category Sales," 1995, Marketing Science, 14:1, 105-122.
"Discrete/Continuous Models of Consumer Demand With Binding Non-Negativity Constraints," with
L.F. Lee, 1992, Journal of Econometrics, 54, 79-93.
"A Simultaneous Approach to the Whether, What and How Much to Buy Questions," 1991,Marketing Science, 10:4, 297-315.
"Transportation Costs in International Trade Theory: A Comparison With the Analysis of Nontraded
Goods - A Note," with C.C. Mai, 1983, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2 (May), 349-352.