John F. Kennedy University EMBA Certificate (C-EMBA) Program & The PRC Senior Management Personnel Qualification Certificate Program
As China becomes part of the globalizing economy, Chinese companies face a historic period of challenges and opportunities. On the one hand, the global economy has helped the significant development of China, has presented unique opportunities to Chinese companies, and has brought about many outstanding business leaders; on the other hand, Chinese companies are in put in a position of challenge which has never happened to them before—a challenge of life and death: many Chinese companies are not adaptable to the competitive market economy environments, do not possess competitive advantages, and are in great needs of new management knowledge, skills, and capacities.
With the mission to provide broad access to high quality education, John F. Kennedy University (JFKU) has developed the master’s degree level training certificate program for business executives (EMBA). Based on our market research, our program is unique in many dimensions – including careful consolidation of management know-hows and cutting edge thinking, focusing on providing applicable skills, synerzing eastern and western wisdoms – and all of which are done with the intention to serve the needs for improving competitive advantages for businesses and their leaders.
作为该双证书的代表处,环球融智(北京)管理咨询有限公司是该双证书项目的独家代表机构。环球融智的前身是美国的Globe Synergy Network,是一家专注于提升企业核心竞争力的培训和咨询公司,由美国最年轻的博导之一唐荣明博士(Dr. Blake Tang)于1996年在美国硅谷组建,公司核心团队成员由多名西方管理专家(如哈佛大学、斯坦福大学教授、博导等)和在世界500强有着丰富管理或咨询经验的专业人士(如IBM、美国通用汽车、苹果公司等)组成。
John F. Kennedy University (JFKU) is a reputable, innovative,non-profit university, located in the silicon valley of California. Founded in 1964, with the inspiration of John F. Kennedy, JFKU has been educating many students with leadership potentials. Over the years, JFKU has been known as an unique institution serving adults around the globe.
Accreditation and Recognition 学校认证和认可
John F. Kennedy University has become one of the universities with recognition around the world.
John F. Kennedy University is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC)——one of the big fives of accreditation agencies in the US. And at the program level, JFKU has also received accreditation by the American Psychological Association (APA). the International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education (IACBE). The School of Law is accredited by the Committee of Bar Examiners of the State Bar of California (CBA).
Students and graduates of the university are accepted by other colleges and universities upon transfer. In addition, many businesses, government agencies, industries and other employers recognize the value of advanced study at the university and approve reimbursement to their employees for all or a portion of their tuition costs.
In addition, John F. Kennedy University is one of the US universities recommended by the Chinese government and is listed at the
Mission Statement 办学宗旨
The mission of John F. Kennedy University is to serve the educational needs of adult students by:
• Providing broad access to high quality, innovative educational programs in which theory and life experience are integrated; 为社会提供高质量、创新型教育及实战型项目,使更多的人能受到更好的教育;
• Cultivating a vibrant and humane learning community that embraces all forms of diversity; 培养充满活力的、人性化的、多样化学习型社区;
• Nurturing academic, professional, and personal development; 使学员在学术上、职业上及个人成长方面均有提升;
• Respecting individual and cultural differences to forge bonds of common understanding; 尊重个人及文化区别,建立共同理解的桥梁;
• Connecting our academic programs to the needs of the diverse communities of the greater Bay Area; 满足社会的多层次需要,创建我们的高等教育项目;
• Encouraging active contributions to the well-being of our communities, society and environment. 鼓励对我们的社区、社会及环境做积极的贡献。
Program Qualities课程特色
1、 Cutting edge: the program provides the cutting edge management knowhows around the globe and enables students to achieve significant learnings.
2、 Connecting the market: the program has been designed to suit the Chinese environments and it enables students to understand their learnings with ease.
3、 Focusing on practice: the program is designed to help students to improve their practice and it enables students to apply their learnings to their respective practice settings.
4、 Global teaching team: the core faculty of the program has served Fortune 500 companies. They are both theorists and practitioners.
5、 Online delivery: courses are delivered through internet, with visual and sound qualities. Students can have access to the program around the globe. And students can review the teachings without the limitation of time and distance.
6、 Global Presidents Club: students will be able to participate in the club to make new friends and continue to share learnings and develop business connections.
Curriculum Design and Delivery课程设置
The 2-Day Intensive开学二天集训: Before formally beginning the program, students are required to come to Beijing to participate in a 2-day intensive. 在正式开课之前,学生必须到北京大学参加二天的开学集训。
Online Teaching 网上视频: There will be 12 courses taught online. 共有13门课
1. Management Systems 企业管理系统概要
2. Corporate Strategies 企业战略
3. Corporate Culture 企业文化
4. High Performance Teams 高效团队建设
5. High Performance Business Process System 高效运营系统
6. Human Resource Management 人力资源管理
7. Business Marketing and Sales Practical Guidelines 营销实战
8. Corporate Financial Management for Business Leaders 管理财务
9. Global Market and Economy 全球经济与市场
10. Corporate Financial and Capital Utilization 资本运作
11. The Entrepreneurial Leader 卓越领导力
12. Corporate Board Structuring and Management 公司治理
13. Final Project Paper毕业论文
Online Teaching will be delivered as the following网上学程安排
Every course will be delivered by 10 hours teaching time. Two classes within a week (Tuesday, Thursday), 19:30-21:30 evening. Every two weeks will finish a course. 每门课10小时授课时间,每三周完成一门课;每周两次上课时间(周三、周六),时间为 19:30-21:30;
Students must read the assigned reading materials and finish three papers, in order to finish the course. 同时,每门课学生要完成必读资料,并完成课程短文三篇.
Every three week will deliver 1 course and 12 courses in the whole program will be finished within a 10 month period.Students will have upto 2 months to finish a project paper in order to graduate from the program 每三周一门课,10个月完成整个项目的12门课程,学生有二个月时间做毕业论文;
Admitted students will be given 12 months to have access all learning resources. After 12 months, for those students who are not given special permission by the program will have to quit. 学员学习时间共计12个月,即学员可在12个月内享受各种资源。12个月后,学生还未达到毕业要求,除非经过特殊许可,学生将自动退出本项目。
Final Project Paper 毕业论文
After the 12 courses, students are required to do an application project to demonstrate their learnings. Specific guidelines will be provided to help students with this process. Usually the project paper will be finished within three months. 在学生圆满完成12门课后,学生进行毕业论文准备。毕业论文是一个应用性实战总结,具体的方式方法在毕业论文课中提供给学生,学生在二个月内完成论文。
Culminating Event and Graduation Ceremony 毕业典礼
After satisfying all requirements, students are required to come together (Tsinghua University) to experience a learning process that culminates their growth. The graduation ceremony will be the climax of the program while their certificates will be given to graduating students. 在学生圆满完成上述学习后,学生必须参加最后的毕业典礼仪式(在清华大学进行)。这将是学习结束的庆典仪式,毕业证书将隆重发放。
Student Record Keeping 学籍管理
JFKU will keep student records which can be accessed online for consultation. 按美国肯尼迪大学学籍管理制度统一管理,建立学员档案,毕业后在美国肯尼迪大学和中华人民共和国国有资产监督管理委员会商业技能鉴定中心存档,本人或单位均可进行查询。
Core Faculty核心教师团队
The teaching team will be selected from a strong core faculty who are associated with JFKU. Some of them have teaching experiences at doctoral level or/and master’s degree level. Each of the faculty selected has senior management or consulting experiences for Fortune 500 companies. Key faculty will be selected from the following candidates: 本项目教师由本大学的知名教授组成,其中有管理博导和管理硕导,每一名均在世界500强公司有高层管理或咨询经验。这些教师将在以下范围内进行选择:唐荣明博导、路跃兵博士、李建波、付波、梁兵、戴江鸿、杨良、曾沛涛、鲁百年,Dr. Joanne Gozawa, Dr. Dean Michelson, Dr. Charles Joiner。
Admission Requirements入学条件
College Diploma毕业文凭: Entering students must have a 3-year college diploma or above; 申请学生必须有大专或以上文凭;
Managerial or Venture Development Experiences企事业单位管理经验或创业经历: with at least three years of managerial experiences or venture development experiences; 具有三年以上企事业单位主管以上管理经验或创业经历;
A Personal Goal Statement Paper个人目标书: The Paper will outline her/his key past experiences, current needs assessment, and the goals and expectations for the program.个人目标书中陈述个人重要历史和现状,并写出个人学习目的和期望。
Recommendation Letter推荐信: Three recommendation letters are required. At least two of them have to come from previous or current supervisors, and the other one may come from a peer. 三封推荐信。其中二封必须来自目前或以前的上级领导,另一封可来自现在的同事。
Tuition and Fees 学费及学杂费
Tuition is 25600 yuan. Fees: 600 yuan for course materials, and 300yuan for application, and 300 yuan for registration. (The costs for traveling expenses are excluded)
Learning Process学习流程
Application forms and other documents→payment for applications and registration→admissions letter and registration→2-day Intensive →13 courses (each course must be successfully completed) → final project paper →graduation ceremony.
Registration 报名方法
Prospective students need to fill out an application form attached with a photocopy of your academic diploma, a photocopy of ID card or passport, a personal goal statement, three letters of recommendation, and 4 copies of most recent photo. Students need to bring these documents to our designated offices of various locations, and pay tuition and fees to a designated bank account. 提交入学申请表、最高学历证书复印件两份、身份证或护照复印件两份、一份个人目标书、三封推荐信、六张一寸,四张两寸(蓝底免冠彩照),提交给各地办理机构,并进行交费。